
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Proven Secrets of my life

Ubqari Magazine - March 2016

(Dr. Zafar Hameed malik Attok City)

I always try to tell the readers of ubqari those secrets and things which I know, or I have experienced or I got them from some authentic resource. First of all I am really thankful to my spiritual teacher Hazrat Hakeem دامت برکاتہم from the core of my heart, it is only due to his encouragement and guidance that I am eager to write and search about new topics.

Some pearls for readers:

Today’s first tip is for those sisters who are morbid to tell the lady doctors about their problem of Likoria , and this increases their weakness day by day, it is a disease which eats you from inside like the termite eats the wooden things, slowly and gradually makes you weak, gives back pain, and you feels uneasy, and unending weakness.

askandh 50 grams, mosli white 50

gram, sund 10 gram, misri grind them all and eat 2 times, morning and evening, with milk for 2 weeks at least, and also use Pak sapari with it, then the health will be your luck, Insha'Allah ,

Mostly people complain about the mouth swelling, mouth blister and pain while eating, following is very effective and tested tip for this.

Take one tomato and cut it into four equal pieces. And chew one piece at night before going to sleep same like a buffalo eats and chews something. After one time when water gets accumulated in the mouth and its taste becomes bitter then spit this out and take the other piece and repeat the same process and then repeat it for other two pieces as well. do it for two to three times I can say this with guarantee that you get the positive result in two days, Insha’Allah , this was a secret which I have open to the readers of ubqari. Those brothers who are irritated of.... ehtalaam (wet dream), either it’s with dream or without dream, and they are not getting health from anywhere then they should get "thojakio" from any homeopathic store, mix five drops in half of the cup 3 times a day. INSHA'ALLAH they will recover before the end of the medicine.

Mostly, people have the problem of burning of hand palms and the sole of feet in the extreme winter and summer. They cannot feel peaceful by any medicine. I am going to tell you something which seems nothings but after the use you will be bound to say that Allah did not created anything without a purpose( hikmat) these type of patients are helpless they cannot sleep peacefully at night, they need to sleep by keeping the feet out of their quilt in winter.

the tip: take "Thapia" ( patia) made of buffalo’s waste , burn them and take the ash of them, then take 5 kg water and mix thoroughly 200 grams ash, and dip the feet for half an hour before an hour to sleep, do it for ten days regularly, Insha’Allah burning of feet and hands will come to end.

It is tested and proven tip, especially for those who are getting health from anywhere. The intensity of teeth pain can be known only from the person who has suffered from it. it is really very severe pain, the sufferer want the immediate relief from it , you must have seen that if you go to dentist and he puts a cotton on the teeth and in no time pain vanishes, you must have thought that there will be any anesthesia used in it. Today I am going to tell secret for ubqari readers.

Mix homeopathic mother tinkchar plantigo, and mother tinkchar karyazotam in same quantity. Use on the teeth where pain is leave for some time, and open the mouth after some time. Then dirty water will come out, INSHA'ALLAH you will be fine in 3 minutes. Make, use it and remember me in prayers.

If the children are annoying, and stubborn , they ask for different things and get angry when you do not give them, but they are calm and gentle by nature, those children who are still in the lap, if you give them homeopathic medicine, "kemeola 30" 3 times a day then you will feel the change on some days. there is a top for typhoid which was lime a top secret in the heart, now I am going to give it to the readers o ubqari, take desi Ajwain( carmon) and sock in one glass of water and leave for the whole night, in morning separate the peeling and seeds and throw the water and the peeling, now take the piece of the old pitcher and make it hot on fire until the smoke comes out of it, take this piece and put in one glass of cool water, now take two times that remaining seeds ( a little quantity) with this water, Insha’Allah typhoid will never be again. Readers now I can face Allah Almighty with satisfaction due to ubqari, slowly and steadily I am disclosing the secrets of my heart, I will keep telling in coming time and the personality who make me do so is Respected Hakeem دامت برکاتہم , he laid the foundation on the base which this plant is taking the shape of a tree, and in coming days this will be a complete tree Insha’Allah, in ubqari secrets of are disclose that is why this magazine has reached to the skies of fame in such a less duration, everyone waits for its arrival, it reaches to us in the shape of a complete digest but there is a lot of tireless hard work of one month is behind it, selection of writings, and according to my knowledge despite being very busy respected Hazrat Hakeem not only read each and every writing but he investigate also that to what extent the writing is true. and a whole institute seems busy for ubqari, composing, checking the proof reading, checking the headings, and process of order and decoration but behind all that the supporting one's team is a big thing, acknowledge the strength of the captain who bring "monthly ubqari "with new topics which not only help and correct us physically but also spiritually.

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